Greetings everyone and we pray your being blessed in this New Year!
God has been blessing us as we reach out and minister in the church in Saraburi and also in Khon Kaen. God is moving in both areas in a great way. We are seeing God’s Hand upon us already this year and are bearing much fruit in both places. I believe 2016 is going to be a great year for us here in Thailand.
We just completed 44 years of marriage this month and this year in October will be our 20th anniversary for ministry here in Thailand. So, we are excited about what God is going to do this year.
The church in Saraburi, New Life Church, Tap Kwang is a small church but all the members are hungry for God and are growing in the Spirit more and more every month. Most of the churches in this province are small and some do not even have a pastor. We are praying and believing that we can have a combined meeting with about 4 - 6 churches at least 3 or 4 times a year. Then we will be able to reach out to more churches and their members. Please pray for this to come to pass this year.
The church in Khon Kaen, another province to the north of us is doing good and we are enjoying ministering there. The congregation is mostly made up of teenagers and a few adults. (Keeps us Young) Haha. We also have had an opportunity to minister in the homes there for teenagers. They are presently going through some hard times for the supporting of the homes and the organization that was supporting the homes decided to close the boys home. Praise God the pastors of the church were the house parents of the boys home and have decided to keep the home open but move it to the church. The guardians of all the boys have made a commitment to start supporting them when school opens up next term in May. Please pray for them right now because with the support not coming from the old organization they need a miracle from God to supply for the needs till the end of this term in March. Also, they have a building almost completed now for the kids to stay in but will be finishing it over the school break. Thank God for COTRGT and Pastor Ron Hammonds for an offering to help finish the building! Please pray that they can get through this short time of difficulty and into the next term then all should be going smoothly by then. If anyone while praying feels led to give an offering to help them this month, please let me know or give through our normal way of giving just mark the offering as Thailand Boy’s Home! I am sure the offering will be appreciated and you will be blessed by sowing into good soil. Amen?
Annie and I are still praying and looking for opportunities to reach out to other nations. We are asking God to open new doors and new contacts through out Asia and the World. Please pray with us in this area!
Okay, Thanks to everyone for your financial support and prayer support. We need both to be able to do what God is called us to do! We appreciate everyone of you!
We love you too!
Ralph and Annie
If anyone needs a tax exempt remember you can give an offering to our ministry through KE Resources or online.
If anyone would like to support us on a monthly basis, they can on line at, just click on the Donate Button or give via mail:
Contributions can be sent to:
Church on the Rock
P O Box 1228
Nederland, TX 77627
Checks can be made out directly to me Ralph Dryden or
If a tax exempt is needed the checks can be made out to
K E Resources - memo line: Dryden Support.