Sunday, March 13, 2022

March Update 2022


                      Greetings everyone in the Name of Jesus!

We pray God is blessing you all and meeting all of your needs during these critical days and times.  Here in Thailand, things as far as covid are still spreading quickly and most likely going to get worse next month during the Thai New Year celebrations.  The church here in Khon Kaen where we usually minister, just recently had some people get infected and are presently not having services while they quarantine.  So far COTR Buriram is doing good and we are trying our best to minister there at least once a month.  Please keep us and the churches here in prayer for protection so we can keep having live services.

Thank God during the month of February we were able to minister at COTR Buriram and God blessed us and the members during the service.  Annie taught before the service and I preached the main service.  God blessed us with His presence and everyone was encouraged and challenged to be a disciple of Christ, not just a normal Christian,  Amen?  Please pray that God will make a way and we will be able to go there and minister this month as well.

There is an orphanage up in the mountains close to Burma where Pastor Bob’s wife is from.  The orphanage is run and managed by a Pastor and his wife, who was an orphan as a child. They presently do not have any outside support to help them but are supported by the church only. There are about 40 children from the Karen tribes of Burma and all of these children have lost their parents in the War going on in Burma.  They are children without a country because Thailand does not recognize them as citizens nor does Burma.  The pastor and his wife take them in, teach them in the way of the Lord, send them to school and try to get them Thai citizenship. Many of these children grow up and serve God in their future.  During Covid, they have had to struggle to meet their needs and totally depend upon God to provide month by month. After hearing their story, Annie and I want to bless them with supplies and hopefully a monetary blessing as well. So we have planned a trip to take supplies and visit the orphanage the first week of May.  If anyone would like to help us be a blessing, we would appreciate it and make sure all of the finances go to supplies and a special offering to meet the needs of the orphanage.  If you are interested, please let me know and I will give instructions on how to give or if you already have our information you can give an offering to us with a designation or memo to Thailand Orphanage Project.  Thanks so much for your prayers and consideration for us to be a blessing.

Okay, a big thank you to everyone who prays and supports us every month.  We appreciate each and every one of you!  We pray for you everyday that God will bless you for your time and giving with at least a hundred fold return!  We could never do what we do without you and we do not take that for granted!  So God bless you all and meet all your needs and give you the desires of your heart!

We love y’all !

Ralph and Annie

If anyone would like to give a one time offering or support us on a monthly basis on line, click on the Donate Button at , or give via PayPal directly to us at PayPal.Me/RalphDDryden or give via mail:

Contributions by check can be sent to:

Church on the Rock
P O iBox 1228
Nederland, TX 77627

Checks can be made out directly to me Ralph Dryden or
If a tax exempt is needed the checks can be made out to
K E Resources - memo line: Dryden Support

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