Sunday, May 31, 2015

Update May 2015

Greetings everyone in the Name of Jesus!  Praise God in all things!  We are thanking God every day for his calling and opportunity to serve him every day of our life.

The month of May was different for us in some ways but I believe that God is leading us to do more of this kind of ministry in the future.  We spent the month traveling around different areas of Thailand visiting other missionaries and ministers that we have not seen in a while. 

While we were in Chaing Rai we were blessed by being able to see our dear friend Arthur from Myanmar.  We enjoyed our short time with him and was encouraged in what God is doing in his country. 

Also, we were blessed by spending time with our dear friend and fellow missionary Steve Wheeler.

On the way back home we also visited some dear friends whom we have not seen in about 15 to 16 years.  They are presently founding a church in a small village in another province and and working hard for Jesus.  We were blessed by their fellowship and were able to encourage each other in our work for the Lord. 

It is a blessing to be able to visit, encourage and bless all of these wonderful men and women of God.  Looking forward to doing more of this kind of ministry and possibly in the other nations surrounding us. Praise God!

Prakhonchai Church is still going strong and souls are being saved, lives are being changed and people are being delivered. The new building is still going up one step at a time and the radio station is still reaching many people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thanks for all of your prayers!

The churches we have been ministering I for the past year or so are still growing in the Lord. Annie and I are taking a small rest from our scheduled ministry in these churches so we can spend time seeking God and hearing His voice for direction in our lives. Amen? 

Soon we will be visiting America and sharing what God is doing in our lives with all of you.  We are excited and will be ready to start new ventures after our return from America.  We will be in America from 28 July until 6 October.  We still have some dates open if you would like us to come and share. The following is our open dates:

Sunday August   16, 23;  October 4

Wednesday August 5, 12, 19, 26;  September 2,30

As you can see, we have many Wednesday nights available. If you are a church in the Texas area and dont know us, we would love to come and worship with you and visit you on a Wednesday night.  We just want to meet with you and build relationship with you.  So please let us know if you would like us to come.

Our biggest need while we are in America is a car, so please pray that God will provide us a car for the time we are there. Amen? 

Once again, we thank all of you for your prayers and financial support!  We pray for you every day that God will bless you with many returns.  We appreciate everyone of you and we know that we need you to do what God has called us to do, so thank you for partnering with us in prayer and support.

We love you all!

 Ralph and Annie

If anyone would like to send an offering or support us on a monthly basis, here is the information:

Contributions can be sent to:

Church on the Rock
P O Box 1228
Nederland, TX 77627

Checks can be made out directly to me Ralph Dryden or
If a tax exempt is needed the checks can be made out to
K E Resources - memo line: Dryden Support.

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